
Qvarfot likes his rules tight and tends to see games from a player perspective. Consequently, he spends a lot of time keeping Voss rooted to the ground. He’s a physics major, with a minor in mathematics, and has worked as a researcher and as a teacher. Currently, he’s fooling around with a big laser. Qvarfot lives in Copenhagen with his wife, three kids and two kittens.

Fun fact: Qvarfot toured Asia with a famous boy’s choir, when he was a kid.


Voss likes to think outside the outside of the box, resulting in a lot of strange ideas, 90% of which are shot down by Qvarfot. The last 10%, Qvarfot helps turn into something useful. Voss is also a physics major, but minored in astronomy. He worked briefly as a programmer, but has otherwise spent the better part of his career, such as it is, as a teacher. Voss enjoys the quiet village life in the countryside with his wife and two kids.

Favorite food: Chocolate. Yes, chocolate is food…